God’s covering continues to both amaze and delight me as I find joy in the midst of my continuing trials. There are days when the devil is after me with such force that I can barely breathe and I teeter on the brink of giving up on God. Those days I find myself asking..yelling really, “Where are you God? Why have you left me?” and of course the great pity party question of all…”Why me, haven’t I been through enough already?”
Goodness, I bet God gets tired of hearing that one.
Somehow at my lowest point there is a power that washes over me, it is weak at first, but none the less there. Slowly it ignites a tiny spark in me. I begin to yield to God, praying, thanking Him, and calling out His name. Jesus, Jesus, I call, I need you!
He holds me up. He covers me in His warm blanket of protection and I begin to feel His strength coarse through my veins. Gratitude erupts from my heart, as I continue calling out His name.
Faith takes over, and I start to believe He walks with me, covering me with His shield to keep away the darkness. Only God can cover us with His peace and power, a power that filters down in us, through us and then out to others. Power to live a life above the chaos and darkness. Power to have authority OVER our circumstances.
He tells me in His word,”Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing shall in any way harm you.” Luke 10:19
Those dark days are fewer and fewer as I surrender to God more and more. Thank you Lord, thank you so much.
God has whispered to me what I am going to do for Him and I trust that in His timing He will cover me with whatever is necessary to make that happen. I believe that He will give me the power to accomplish His work here on earth.
“I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me, I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me, I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency.” Philippians 4:13
Lord, I am ready, willing and able to obey you for this leg of my journey. Wrap your grace around me warm and close that I may always know you are beside me. Amen.